One Year On December 3, 2022Type Two turns one today. Over the last 12 months, we've increased our range four times over, and have brought our T Shirt and Made In South London Line to life....
Type Two Mixtape 02 June 2, 2022Our second mixtape is a compilation of international favourites and UK bangers. Just in time for the bank holiday. Tracklist: 01: Hector Plimmer – Tapeloop 02: Sudan Archives – Confessions 03: Joy Crookes – Yah / Element - Medley...
Meet the Team - Roslyn Stanwick May 23, 2022What’s your role at Type Two? I’m the brand’s founder. My role is pretty wide ranging – it includes everything from product design and prototyping to supply chain management, finance...
Type Two Mixtape 01 March 30, 2022Our first mixtape is a collection of influences from working on the brand launch and local music from London featuring heavily. Tracklist: 01: Loyle Carner – Yesterday02: Maya Jane Coles –...
How We Make Radically Low-Impact Clothing December 3, 2021 Inside Type Two’s production process – reducing waste from design to delivery